Having received his law degree from the State University of Milan in 1979 with a thesis on leasing contracts discussed with Professor Pier Giusto Jaeger, Vincenzo Bergamasco completed his legal practice at the firm that Filippo M. Granata had founded in Milan in the mid-1960s.
In 1985 Attorneys Granata and Bergamasco established the Associated Law Firm Granata -Bergamasco, which has continued to provide advice and assistance, both in and out of court, in the banking and parabanking sector and, especially, in financial leasing, on behalf of the Firm's clients consisting of leading companies, banking and financial institutions, both national and European.
Following the untimely death of Filippo M. Granata that occurred in 1997, Vincenzo Bergamasco continued the law firm’s activity with the collaboration of about twenty people, including professionals and employees, who were already part of the ceased Associated Law Firm.
Finally, in 2004, Vincenzo Bergamasco, who, in about forty years of profession, has gained consolidated experience in leasing operations, credit management, NPL and UTP, debt restructuring and bankruptcy procedures, enforcement procedures and structuring of settlement agreements, contracting and consulting, founded, together with Fabio Fugazza, Studio Legale Bergamasco & Associati, today operating in the described branches of activity to which it is devoted by long tradition.
Vincenzo Bergamasco has been a member of the Milan Bar Association since 1985 and licensed to practice before the Italian Supreme Court since 1999.